Retail Loss Prevention-About US

 The Loss Prevention Academy is owned by LPDT, LLC, a company based in Nevada.  We are pleased to provide the only Loss Prevention training courses available on the internet. 

Our courses were written by Loss Prevention professionals with over 100 years of experience combined.   These courses go beyond what would be considered an e-book format as they include voice over, interactions, online reviews, followed by testing and immediate printing of a certificate of completion from the site.

We are pleased to partner with WZ to offer two courses on Investigative Interviewing skills for Loss Prevention and Human Resources/Employee Relations.  WZ has established themselves as the industry leader in training for these areas.

We are International.  The Loss Prevention Academy's courses apply to any Country world-wide.  In a short period of time, we have had trainees from India, Pakistan, U.K., Puerto Rico, Australia, Guam, Singapore, China, Denmark, Afghanistan, S. Korea, Egypt, Canada, Ireland, Congo, Libya, Russia, Nigeria, Malaysia, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, Dubai, Brazil, Belgium, and U.S. complete a course.  

 We are taking “Training for Loss Prevention to a Higher Level”


Thank you for stopping by and learning About US.


Steven M. Degener, J.D.